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Established in 1983 as a subsidiary of PT WBL, PAM Group sought to make a positive impact in the Real Estate sector by focusing on major projects to provide retail, commercial and residential developments starting in Lokasari, Jakarta and Kalimalang, Bekasi with Commercial Retail Complexes. The natural growth of this industry evolved PAM Group into Tourism, Hospitality and additional Mixed-Use Townships.

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Leisure & Recreation
The Leisure & Recreation sector encompasses activities and facilities designed for relaxation and enjoyment. This includes entertainment venues, parks, sports facilities, and tourism-related services. The sector contributes to individual well-being and community engagement, providing spaces for leisure, sports, and entertainment. With a focus on creating enjoyable experiences, Leisure & Recreation plays a vital role in enhancing the quality of life and fostering social connections.
sector is dedicated to the provision of medical services, treatment, and the overall well-being of individuals. This expansive field includes hospitals, clinics, pharmaceuticals, and medical research. Healthcare professionals, such as doctors and nurses, play a crucial role in patient care. The sector is continually evolving with advancements in medical technology and research, aiming to enhance the quality of healthcare services and improve health outcomes for communities."
Digital Technology
revolves around the development and utilization of digital solutions and innovations. This includes software development, digital platforms, and advancements in information technology. The sector plays a transformative role in various industries, driving efficiency, connectivity, and innovation.